We offer data cabling services to new and pre existing buildings.
If you are considering building a new domestic or industrial property or altering a pre-existing one, then you should seriously consider a proper data cabling solution to support you current and future data connectivity needs.
Many people will tell you that wireless networking is sufficient to provide data to a building, this is as far from the truth as possible.
Wireless networking and its ability to work properly, is dependant on many, many variables including router type, wireless network type, capabilities of connected devices, building design and materials used and distance.
Rather than relying on a system that may or may not work, remove the guesswork and install a hard wired network.
Network speeds are consistent and often significantly higher.
Wifi can be added where you need it, rather than where the fibre connection is.
Building design and materials become irrelevant.
Call us today to discuss your needs.